Pushpay - App Analytics

Redesign | Ideation | User Testing 2020
pushpay app analytics
Design Challenge

The existing analytics dashboard is very limited and users complained about missing data and inaccurate metrics on their app audience and engagement. This project started with an idea from the customer feedback and the team has decided to work on the current analytics pages to provide metrics granular enough for our customers to be actionable and to help them to define their content strategy.

current analytics
User Needs & Ideation

Based on the feedback from customers and the CS team, PM and I teamed up to synthesise the insights. Once the insights are categorised, we prioritised them and dropped out non-essential ones as this was the 1st phase of the project. We also sketched design ideas to quickly iterate the solutions.

prioritise user needs triage user needs sketch ideas sketch ideas
User Testing

We first ran pilot sessions with the CS team and iterated the prototype. We then tested the prototype with recruited customers. Learning how user would react to the new app analytics was crucial as our plan was to migrate the analytics pages to the totally new platform. As a result of the test, we were confident that users will adapt to the new pages and they loved the new analytics pages as they can get learn more about their app users and can make decisions based on the accurate insights.

mid fi prototypes hi fi prototypes
Design Thoughts
UX/UI Designer
UX/UI User Testing Ideation